Author Archive for Scooter Magruder

Cameron "Scooter" Magruder is an actor, producer, and new media personality who creates weekly videos for his YouTube account ScooterMagruder. His videos have been featured on the Today Show, NBATV, The Huffington Post,, the Orlando Sentinel, and more. If you would like to contact Scooter Magruder, please navigate to the contact page.

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VIDEO: Stuff Packers Fans Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


The Green Bay Packers are one of the most iconic football franchises in the NFL. Heck, the Super Bowl trophy is named after a Packers coach! So it only made sense to make a Stuff Packers Fans Say video. Also, I have a friend who has a ton of Packers gear, so that doesn’t hurt either.

If you enjoyed this video, make sure to check out Stuff Chicago Bears Fans Say!

What is the most iconic NFL team (the answer is the Dallas Cowboys)?

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VIDEO: Stuff Lakers Fans Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


After Dwight Howard got traded, as an Orlando Magic fan, I was at a complete loss. I already made a video to express these feelings of ultimate despair (in hindsight it wasn’t that bad of a deal, Vucevic baby).

But as I was lamenting, Lakers nation was rejoicing. And I still hadn’t made a Stuff Lakers Fans Say video. It only made sense – now was the time. Hope you enjoy!

If you could have any player on your NBA team, who would it be?

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VIDEO: Stuff Orlando Magic Fans Say 2 – Post Dwight

April 19, 20132 Comments


If you’ve read my other blog posts, we’ve already established two things:

  1. I am a Magic fan
  2. I hate Dwight Howard

To expound on these issues, I created Stuff Orlando Magic Fans Say 2 – Post Dwight to say what every Magic fan was feeling after the trade went down.

How do you feel about the situation?

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VIDEO: Stuff Team USA Fans Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


I love every time the Olympics comes around. You get to watch the best athletes in the world compete against each other. And if you’re like me, you get to watch your country dominate! America baby!

So I decided to put together a list of things I kept hearing during the 2012 Olympics and created Stuff Team USA Fans Say! USA, USA!

Do you like watching the Olympics?

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