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VIDEO: Black Man Staring at People

November 24, 201335 Comments


I told you guys I wanted to start doing social experiments and here is my first one! This video was shot at the University of Central Florida right before the Rutgers tailgate.

If you’re wondering how we filmed it, my friend Jonathan would go and sit down before me with a backpack and some shirts covering the camera, which you can see obscures the lens at times. After he gave me a signal, I would come in and commence the Black Man Staring At People. Definitely need a better setup though, cause I don’t have any lens that allows me to shoot people from SUPER far away. For the most part, the camera was right in front of everyone…they just never noticed it.

Not gonnna lie, it was highly awkward staring at these strangers. I didn’t really know what to say. Should I respond to their questions? Or would it be funnier if I just kept staring at them? In the end, I did end up laughing every time, I just cut each scene before you see it. And yes, I did let everyone know it was a prank. What do you guys think of my first social experiment? Should I keep going? Would you be interested in seeing some of the raw footage?

What social experiment should I do next?

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How Much Money Do Viners Make – The Magruder Report

November 18, 20138 Comments


How much money do Viners make? Did you even know Viners were making money? What is Vine? This video should answer most of those questions.

I wanted to make this video since a lot of people don’t know anything about Vine, let alone the fact that people are making careers off 6-second videos. Hopefully, this video sheds some insight into one of the freshest apps of the year. Although the information was presented in a comical way, everything is 100% accurate.

Special thanks to my boys Eric Dunn and Tpindell for letting me film them. Also, follow me on Vine: @ScooterMagruder

Did you know people were getting paid for Vines?

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VIDEO: Dear Diary 3 – Where Have I Been?

November 10, 201316 Comments


I haven’t made a video in three weeks. Dear Diary 3 explains why. The stomach illness I had was extremely vicious and after consulting with doctors multiple times, they still weren’t able to figure out what was wrong. Throughout that time, I was not able to keep any food down whatsoever and became extremely dehydrated. Drinking water made me nauseous. WATER people. In fact, one of the few things I was able to keep down was Blue Gatorade, for which I will forever be indebted.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve thrown up no less than 27 times.

Even on the Today Show I was still sick, but luckily I was able to man up and don’t think it was noticeable at all. After being constantly dehydrated for a little over two weeks, I was actually able to start eating regular food. It wasn’t until my second day in LA that I tried and succesfully ate 4 buffalo chicken wings from BJ’s…let’s go!

Thanks to everyone for your patience! My main goal now is trying to get ahead in videos so this never happens again. Prepare for greatness.

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VIDEO: Talking To Myself – Relationships

October 14, 201328 Comments


Due to popular demand, Talking to Myself is back! In this episode, I introduce Harold, perhaps one of my most difficult characters to play, only because I have no idea what his character really is yet. Is he a Black Napoleon Dynamite? Is he a nerd? Does he just breathe hard at random times?  I’m still figuring these things out. In the meanwhile, hope you enjoy the season one finale!

Fun fact: Harold was actually recommended to me from someone on Twitter

Talking To Myself - Relationship Tweet

What character should I try next?

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