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VIDEO: Top 100 Things Modern Warfare 3 Players Say

May 1, 20130 Comments


One of my favorite video games is Modern Warfare 3, only because I am an absolute beast at it! And as any gamer knows, after playing any video game repeatedly, there are some phrases you catch yourself saying over and over again. So I decided to make a list of the Top 100 Things Modern Warfare 3 Players Say.

Do you play Modern Warfare 3 or do you prefer Black Ops 2?

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VIDEO: Top 100 Things NBA Fans DON’T Say

May 1, 20130 Comments


If you know me at all, then you know I am an avid NBA fan (Orlando Magic fans stand up). After doing so many Stuff Fans Say videos, I thought “Why not change it up?” Instead of doing a video that only one fan could relate to, why not do a video all NBA fans could understand? As a result, Top 100 Things NBA Fans Don’t Say was created!

What else DON’T NBA fans say?

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VIDEO: Top 100 Things Nobody Says

May 1, 20130 Comments


I don’t know about you, but a lot of my friends like to append “said no one ever” to a lot of my comments. This inspired me to make a list of the Top 100 Things Nobody Says.

What are some other things nobody says?

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VIDEO: Top 100 Things Republicans and Democrats Say

April 30, 20130 Comments


During election time, we all know how crazy things can get on Facebook, Twitter, and social media in general. People will post the most random political opinions and get into the most heated conversations. Well, I decided to turn that into a video! And thus, Top 100 Things Republicans and Democrats was created!

This video was made prior to the 2012 election. Let me know if you caught yourself saying some of these things back in the day!

Have you ever voted?

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