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VIDEO: Stuff Lebron James Haters Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


I’m not going to lie, I used to hate Lebron James with a passion. I thought his decision to leave Cleveland was classless, or at least the manner in which he left (on national television). But, as they say, winning cures all.

I can no longer hate on the man for wanting to win a championship AND actually winning a championship. Indeed, my hatred for Lebron James has been supplanted with my hatred for Dwight Howard. But we can always reminisce with this video!

What NBA player do you hate the most?

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VIDEO: Stuff Dallas Cowboys Fans Say

April 19, 20131 Comment


If you know anything about me, you know that I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ you know this first hand.

I teamed up again with my friend from the Stuff Dallas Mavericks Fans video, who’s also a huge die hard Dallas Cowboys fan. This made making Stuff Dallas Cowboys Fans Say highly enjoyable.

Always great to be around like-minded sports fans. The dog also returned for a second appearance as well!

Who is your favorite NFL team?

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VIDEO: Stuff Dallas Mavericks Fans Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


One of my high school friends has a TON of Dallas Mavericks gear. This made Stuff Dallas Mavericks Fans Say a logical choice for my Stuff Fans Say series.

This video was one of my first times working with an animal on-camera. To this day, I’m not sure if the dog loved me or wanted to kill me.

Do you have any pets?

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VIDEO: Stuff Chicago Bulls Fans Say

April 19, 20130 Comments


After making Stuff Miami Heat Fans Say, a lot of people suggested that I make Stuff Chicago Bulls Fans Say. So I hit up a friend who had some old Michael Jordan jerseys laying around and made it!

The crazy thing is after making this video, Derrick Rose was injured, causing many people to think I was making fun of his injury. Talk about bad timing!

Michael Jordan was one of my favorite players to watch growing up. Who was yours?

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