Author Archive for Scooter Magruder

Cameron "Scooter" Magruder is an actor, producer, and new media personality who creates weekly videos for his YouTube account ScooterMagruder. His videos have been featured on the Today Show, NBATV, The Huffington Post,, the Orlando Sentinel, and more. If you would like to contact Scooter Magruder, please navigate to the contact page.

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VIDEO: Not About That Life 11

September 15, 20144 Comments


Not About That Life is back and realer than ever. In this installment, I address issues ranging from topless men playing basketball to domestic abuse.

For those wanting more insight on my feelings in the video, let me just say A) There is a dude who always takes his shirt at the gym off B) I am always guarding him. There was no hyperbole in that statement.

As far as my stance on the domestic abuse issue with Ray Rice, the video was shocking, egregious, and disgusting. However, I still do not agree with people who say “A man should never hit a woman.”

Let me be clear, I have never hit a woman and was raised to never do so. I just feel the phrase cheapens the actions of women who abuse men, as well as puts guys into ethical dilemma when defending themselves.

Domestic abuse is not ok regardless of sex. Assault is not ok regardless of sex.  

This is not at all the situation in Ray Rice’s case, however, the sentiment has been echoed throughout social media and I wanted to put my two cents out there.

What do you think of the whole situation?

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VIDEO: Talking to Myself – The Friend Zone

September 7, 20144 Comments


I’m back.

I know, I know. You’re wondering what DAHECK I’ve been up to? I promise all questions will be answered in due time, but in the meanwhile you can look forward to new videos EVERY SUNDAY. I know I’ve said this before and don’t want to be the Scoot-that-cried-wolf, but I’m dead serious this time.

In this episode of Talking to Myself, Da’Quann and Scootera share a secret as Lay-Lay struggles to understand the meaning of the friend zone. Have you ever been friendzoned?
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June 9, 20142 Comments

Not About That Life is back and realer than ever. In this installment, I address issues ranging from topless men playing basketball to domestic abuse.

For those wanting more insight on my feelings in the video, let me just say A) There is a dude who always takes his shirt at the gym off B) I am always guarding him. There was no hyperbole in that statement.

As far as my stance on the domestic abuse issue with Ray Rice, the video was shocking, egregious, and disgusting. However, I still do not agree with people who say “A man should never hit a woman.”

Let me be clear, I have never hit a woman and was raised to never do so. I just feel the phrase cheapens the actions of women who abuse men, as well as puts guys into ethical dilemma when defending themselves.

Domestic abuse is not ok regardless of sex. Assault is not ok regardless of sex.  

This is not at all the situation in Ray Rice’s case, however, the sentiment has been echoed throughout social media and I wanted to put my two cents out there.

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VIDEO: Top 100 Things Parents Never Want To Hear

June 1, 20140 Comments


UPDATE: This video was featured on the Today Show on 6/13/14 watch it here:

This top Top 100 video officially took the longest to edit of any other video I’ve ever made. With that being said, a lot of it had to do with my transition to another editing software (Final Cut 7 to Premiere CC), however, this was still a beast to edit.

I would like to thank my parents for allowing me to say these things while remaining alive as well as my sister who helped filmed a majority of the video!

Hope you enjoy Top 100 Things Parents Never Want To Hear! Was it worth all the editing?

Which number was the funniest?
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