VIDEO: Stuff Spurs Fans Say
It’s been 8 months since I made my last Stuff Fans Say video. After getting multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE requests, I decided to make Stuff Spurs Fans Say. It was the perfect timing, especially with the Spurs embroiled in a heated battle with the hated Miami Heat.
I shot this video with Eric Dunn, a popular Viner, who also happens to be a Spurs fan. It’s a good thing the Miami Heat lost because we didn’t have any footage in the event Miami won the series. Oops.
Speaking of series, do you want this video series to continue? Or is it too played out?
EDIT: When I released the video it looked like the Spurs were going to win game 6. They didn’t. Hopefully the Spurs win game 7 so this video doesn’t look extremely foolish.
VIDEO: Not About That Life 5
This was one of the shortest episodes of Not About That Life to date. I’ve been experimenting to see if people are more likely to watch a shorter video! Still, much truth was exposed in Not About That Life 5, including my hatred for pizza delivery fees, how socks always seem to disappear, and I even mention something I dislike about my mom (I love you mom).
What’s one thing your mom does that you hate?
VIDEO: How To Tell If He Likes You
It has been a quick minute since I released a How-To video. So I thought, why not hit you guys with How To Tell If He Likes You. Relationship advice videos always tend to do well and this is a topic I know a lot of girls struggle to comprehend.
Guys are simple. We say what we mean and mean what we say (for the most part).The same rules apply when it comes to relationships. Personally, I will straight up tell a girl “I like you” because I don’t have time for games (no jugamos juegos). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it gets the point across.
How do you tell someone you like them?
VIDEO: What Happens After College
It was time someone exposed the truth about what happens after college. And the truth isn’t pretty.
You get stuck in a cycle of a 9-5 job that you hate (if you’re lucky enough to find one), your free time completely disappears, and the highlight of your day consists of getting lunch at a local pizzeria. This is pretty much your life in a nutshell after college.
Remember those parties you used to go to? How involved you used to be? How much fun you used to have? Yeah, that’s done. Welcome to the real world full of taxes, depression, and tears.
I’m not saying that everyone shares this feeling of hopelessness after college. In fact, some people (almost no one) actually enjoy their lives post college. But a resounding theme among my friends who have left the college scene, is life after college sucks.
You’ve been warned.
Do you think I’m being too harsh? Or did I hit the nail on the head?
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