VIDEO: Talking to Myself – NBA

May 21, 201352 Comments


This week I decided to create another Talking to Myself video. As suggested by multiple viewers, this week’s topic was the NBA, although I only briefly talked about it (my bad).

So far, it seems a lot of people are enjoying this series. And I certainly enjoy creating them! Expect even more characters in the future, maybe even a new host? Until then enjoyย Talking to Myself – NBA.

Who’s your favorite character so far?

Talking to Myself - NBA YouTube Comments

Who stays? What topic should be next?
Watch all Talking to Myself videos here: all videos

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About the Author ()

Cameron "Scooter" Magruder is an actor, producer, and new media personality who creates weekly videos for his YouTube account ScooterMagruder. His videos have been featured on the Today Show, NBATV, The Huffington Post,, the Orlando Sentinel, and more. If you would like to contact Scooter Magruder, please navigate to the contact page.

Comments (52)

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  1. Tim Schmoyer says:

    FIRST!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Christian Perry says:

    Hmmm…. You know, I’d love to see one of these videos have the WWE as a topic. But that’s the inner wrestling fan in me saying so… Lol, it would be interesting.

  3. Ben Penson says:

    Lay lay ahahahahahah scoot you the man

  4. Andy says:

    Discuss Florida college rivalries! Each character can support a different college (UF, USF, UCF). Or have them discuss about music. That has the potential to be really funny and would appeal to everyone!

  5. BLESSING says:

    Oh my! You are so talented! Love this ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Mark says:

    hey scooter loved you video today man keep it up make some more sports videos that is your roots and your good at making them
    Bring back stuff fans say or start another sports series

    • Hey Mark, I’m definitely considering doing that! Gotta keep in mind though…when I was doing sports videos I had a 90% male audience. Now it’s 60%, 40%…just saying!

  7. Hamza Duh Bomb says:

    as you can see by my real name, i am duh bomb. and i found the latest talking to myself video extremely hilarious, BUT U BETTER KEEP DA’QUAAN. I WANNA SEE HOW DAMN CRAZY HE GETS. pls and thank you

  8. Spanish Dave says:

    Ok quick question , From 1-10 what’s your favorite brand of toaster on a Tuesday in august ? If yes what kind of turtle do you dislike the least ?

  9. Alyssa says:

    hey will you marry me?

  10. Isaac says:

    I’m a huge fan of stuff *fill in a ports team name* fans say! I can’t stop watching them ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. D. Wade says:

    Dude, you need your own syndicated television show.

  12. D. Wade says:

    What’s up with Sergio? If I was Tiger, I would check that clown..

  13. Michael Jordan says:

    DO A TALKING TO MYSELF ABOUT AMERICAN IDOL!!! sorry…i just really love that show ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. Posterdunk says:

    Lay Lay is the man. And you do have a great colombian accent for the Jorge/Paco/Alejandro character. Curious to see the range of your palette of characters/accents.
    Props from France my man!

  15. Alex says:

    Something is wrong with Da’Quann in this video….


  16. Sam M. says:

    How about you send Da’Quann off to rehab (or an asylum)?

  17. Billy says:

    You inspire me to make a Youtube account and make videos! Too bad I suck at acting. Anyway I think you should do a talking to myself about NFL when the season starts anyway.

  18. Dymond Bradley says:

    My favorite team is the Miami Heat. I love your show its LOL and will u go to prom with me.

    JK ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Dude says:

    Dude please make more talking to myself you haven’t done them in a while they’re funny and another topic should be food.

  20. Dude says:

    Daquan should take a bet and show up in a suit and act like a gentle man yet still insult people politely and at the last minute he gives up and goes back to regular Daquan.

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