VIDEO: What the Friend Zone Sounds Like 2

September 11, 20160 Comments


After an extensive hiatus, like a phoenix, I have risen from the ashes.  I decided to come back swinging with a sequel to my most successful video to date: What the Friend Zone Sounds Like. I’d like to personally thank Alexandria, Chloe, Mygdalia, and Mariah for taking me on a journey through the deepest pits of the friend zone.

I am now more aware of this ever-changing environment which affects so many on a daily basis.

What friend zone quotes did I miss?

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About the Author ()

Cameron "Scooter" Magruder is an actor, producer, and new media personality who creates weekly videos for his YouTube account ScooterMagruder. His videos have been featured on the Today Show, NBATV, The Huffington Post,, the Orlando Sentinel, and more. If you would like to contact Scooter Magruder, please navigate to the contact page.

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